What is the Digital Trust Day?

The Digital Trust Day is an event hosted by the Competence Center of Digital Trust at FHNW School of Business free of charge. It is an event for our students and professionals interested in cybersecurity, data protection, ethics, emerging technologies and related organizational elements.

With this event, we aim to create a space for exchange, hands-on insights and discussions on how Digital Trust impacts today´s business.

Why you should join …

1. Get prepared: digital trust as uprising topic
Trust in technology and processes in the digital space are essential for businesses to successfully digitalize.

2. Get hands-on insights: workshops and discussions
Our workshops are a core element to ensure an interactive, personal, and fun experience in the topic of Digital Trust.

3. Focus on interactivity and collaboration
Seats to our event are limited to enable networking, exchange and interactive collaboration.

Impressions from the 5th Digital Trust Day 2024

Impressions from the 4th Digital Trust Days 2023
